Enigma of Panki Mandir: A Spiritual Sanctuary in Kanpur

Nestled in the bustling city of Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, Panki Mandir stands as a beacon of spiritual solace and cultural heritage. This temple, dedicated to Lord Hanuman, attracts devotees and tourists alike, who come to seek blessings and immerse themselves in its divine aura. In this post, we will delve into the history, architecture, and the unique rituals of Panki Mandir, providing you with a comprehensive guide to one of Kanpur’s most revered religious sites.

Enigma of Panki Mandir: A Spiritual Sanctuary in Kanpur
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The Legend of Panki Hanuman Mandir

According to local lore, the temple’s origins are as mystical as they are ancient. The founder, Mahant Sri Sri 1008 Purushottam Dasji Maharaj, stumbled upon a divine rock depicting Bajrang Bali while returning from Chitrakoot. Compelled by this celestial vision, he established the temple at that very spot.

Architectural Marvel of Panki Mandir

The architecture of Panki Mandir is a blend of traditional and modern design. The main shrine, housing the idol of Lord Hanuman, is adorned with intricate carvings that depict various scenes from the Ramayana. The temple complex is surrounded by lush green gardens that provide a tranquil escape from the city’s hustle and bustle. The use of local sandstone in the construction of the temple gives it a robust and earthy charm, while the detailed craftsmanship showcases the skills of local artisans.

A Temple of Transformations

The deity here is not just any idol; it’s a divine manifestation that undergoes a daily transformation. With the sunrise, the idol’s visage is that of a child, known as Bala Hanuman. As the day progresses, it shifts to a youthful Brahmachari, and by evening, it takes on the powerful form of a Mahapurush.

The Divine Experience

Visitors to Panki Mandir often speak of a profound sense of peace that envelops them as they step into the temple premises. The spiritual energy of the place is palpable, with the chants and the fragrance of incense adding to the serene ambiance. Devotees leave with not just blessings but also with packets of ‘prasad’, which is believed to be imbued with the protective powers of Lord Hanuman.

Rituals and Celebrations

The temple pulsates with life during its Aarti timings, which are at 5:30 am and 9:00 pm, with special timings on Tuesdays. Devotees flock here especially during Hanuman Jayanti, Janmashtami, Shivaratri, and Budhawa Mangal, immersing themselves in the divine aura of the place.

What is Budhawa Mangal

Budhawa Mangal, also known as Bada Mangal, is a unique festival celebrated with great fervor . It’s observed on every Tuesday of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, which typically falls around May and June. This festival is deeply rooted in the worship of Lord Hanuman

The Significance of Budhawa Mangal

The festival is said to commemorate the day when Lord Hanuman first met Lord Rama, which happened on a Tuesday in the month of Jyeshtha. Since then, all Tuesdays of this month are considered highly auspicious. Devotees believe that worshiping Hanuman on these days brings relief from all kinds of sorrows and ushers in happiness and prosperity.

Rituals and Celebrations

During Budhawa Mangal, temples dedicated to Hanuman conduct special prayers, kirtans, and recitations of Hanuman Chalisa and Sundarkand. The festival is also marked by the organization of ‘bhandaras’ or community feasts, where food is offered to the public irrespective of their caste, creed, or social status.

Historical and Cultural Context

The festival reflects the syncretic culture of Lucknow and has a history that intertwines with the city’s past. It is believed that the wife of the third Nawab of Awadh, Mohammad Ali Shah, was instrumental in promoting the festival after she was blessed with a son, following her prayers to Hanuman.

Travel Tips and Timings of Panki Mandir

The Panki Mandir is open from 5:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 2:00 pm to 10:00 pm. On Tuesdays, the doors open at 4:00 am to accommodate the influx of devotees. Located just 13 km from Kanpur Central, the temple is easily accessible by bus, cab, or auto.

Panki Mandir is well-connected by road and is accessible by local transport from any part of Kanpur. For those visiting from other cities, the nearest airport is the Kanpur Airport, from where one can hire taxis or take buses to reach the temple. Accommodation options ranging from budget stays to luxury hotels are available in Kanpur, providing visitors with multiple choices based on their preferences.


Panki Mandir is not just a temple; it’s a vibrant cultural hub that offers a glimpse into the spiritual practices and historical richness of Kanpur. Whether you are a devout follower or a curious traveler, a visit to Panki Mandir promises a blend of spiritual fulfillment and cultural enrichment. So, the next time you find yourself in Kanpur, make sure to pay a visit to this sacred sanctuary, where faith and heritage create a mesmerizing

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